Friday, June 01, 2007

Gas Station Experience

I have been leaning on the Holy Spirit more and praying for divine opportunities throughout the day and had an awesome experience at the gas station this morning. A lady came out to her car and mentioned something about the number on my pump. Then, she said she is "so happy." I proceeded to ask her what she was happy about and she let me know she had been in a car accident and how she had gotten a new car. She didn't think it was going to happen but it's hers and she is so happy. I took the opportunity to ask her if we could thank God for that and she said yes. We went immediately to the Father in prayer and I thanked him for all Mrs. Annie's blessings and by the time we were through, she was in tears you could tell it really ministered to her. We hugged and it was magical how two sisters in Christ could "randomly" encounter one another and be able to pray together. It also gave me hope to true transformation in our city as two strangers from different ethnicities could come together In Christ over pumping gas! How sweet the Spirit is.

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