Thursday, June 14, 2007


Courage is defined as-
1.the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.

What does it mean to have the courage of one's convictions and to act in accordance with one's beliefs, especially in spite of criticism?

The Lord said to Joshua:
6 "Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them. 7 Be strong and very courageous.

He said this to him right after saying that he would always be with him and that no one would be able to stand against him. Joshua could be courageous because he knew his God. Joshua could accept the charge and execute the Lord's plan with the power of the Holy Spirit because he knew his God. How well do we know our God?

We have been doing this Bible study on Wednesday nights on knowing THE Father. Our worldview is clearer when we KNOW the Father. We are able to face dangers and pain without fear when we know who is on our side and what it means for us.

I wonder when does the 'without fear' part come into play. Is it when we actually step into what God has for us? Often, God has called me to something and I have wavered in my mind certainly without courage, but the moment I determine to follow God in obedience wherever he may lead, that is when I think courage is exhibited. Was it this way with Jesus? When he was in the garden, did he have fear as he said "Father, let this cup pass from me"? Then, did he face the difficulty, danger and pain as he determined in his heart that he would surrender in obedience to the Father? Let us endeavor to be like him. When have you face difficulty, danger and pain without fear lately?

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