Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Search

The ultimate search that we have for someone to love us unconditionally, to care for us and to complete us is over. He has been found! Sometimes He plays hard to find so that we will desire him more. He will always let us find him though. He will always be there when we need him. He will always listen wholeheartedly to you. He has been found in a rugged carpenter who lived 2000 years ago. Ladies, you can give up your search! Your search is over. He has been found!!

There is a new movie out that contradicts this. Sex and the City, or the search for intimacy in the city, which debuted recently will leave you empty, broken, confused, hurt and disappointed. No, I haven't seen the movie and I don't care to. There is a man who will fulfill your every desire and completely satisfy. He will provide so much intimacy that He will not leave you longing for anything or anyone else. He is enough. He didn't have a home but he does today!! He makes his home in my heart. He didn't have a family to live with but REALLY Lived!! He didn't have a career but had the greatest calling ever! You and me! He delights in me. Isn't it wonderful??!!!

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Play Ball!
We have just recently completed the church softball
league and I have had a blast! I played 2nd base
and catcher mostly and got some good hits in. I used
to play for years in high school. I had forgotten how
competitive I am and I realized how old I am. My body
let me know it!! I can remember pulling my quad muscle
after one of the first games. Then, my muscles hurt so
bad after the first game as catcher. Ouch! However, I
had a great time playing with some pretty awesome people who cheered you on and encouraged you no matter what. That is how we are to be in the body of Christ. Help one another when they fall down. Rejoice with one another when they rejoice. God is good all the time. We were undefeated in the regular season and made it to the 2nd round in the tournament. We ended up losing our last game but it didn't matter. See the smiles on our faces after the last game? We know we played our very best and had a great time. God is good all the time and I am so thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ. There were two other teams from my church and not pictured here and some of the guys played on both teams.