Thursday, September 17, 2009

I love Birthdays

It has been a while since I have posted but I am still around. ;)

See pics from my 34th birthday dinner:

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas! We have had a wonderful year with many blessings. More photos of the year in review to come soon.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Give thanks in all circumstances.
1 Thess. 5:18

Why does the Lord give us commands in the Bible that seem impossible to do? I submit that it takes the impossible work of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the supernatural in this live. When we go through trials, we can be victorious in them when we walk by the Spirit and do not grieve the Spirit. There is much power in walking by the Spirit.

The Lord does not say we should give thanks for our circumstances and we may not even feel like giving thanks in our circumstances. But we bring him glory when we give him thanks. That is where victorious Christian living transpires. Oh the depths and the wisdom of our Lord. He would not allow us to go through any trial that He will not give us the grace to sustain us during the trial. He knows what we need that will make us grow. I am confident of that!

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Beach

I recently got back from the beach and had a great time with my brothers, wives and three Hicks boys and Alecia and meemaw. I also met my friend Ashley Crow there whom I haven't seen in months. See photos below.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Search

The ultimate search that we have for someone to love us unconditionally, to care for us and to complete us is over. He has been found! Sometimes He plays hard to find so that we will desire him more. He will always let us find him though. He will always be there when we need him. He will always listen wholeheartedly to you. He has been found in a rugged carpenter who lived 2000 years ago. Ladies, you can give up your search! Your search is over. He has been found!!

There is a new movie out that contradicts this. Sex and the City, or the search for intimacy in the city, which debuted recently will leave you empty, broken, confused, hurt and disappointed. No, I haven't seen the movie and I don't care to. There is a man who will fulfill your every desire and completely satisfy. He will provide so much intimacy that He will not leave you longing for anything or anyone else. He is enough. He didn't have a home but he does today!! He makes his home in my heart. He didn't have a family to live with but REALLY Lived!! He didn't have a career but had the greatest calling ever! You and me! He delights in me. Isn't it wonderful??!!!

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Play Ball!
We have just recently completed the church softball
league and I have had a blast! I played 2nd base
and catcher mostly and got some good hits in. I used
to play for years in high school. I had forgotten how
competitive I am and I realized how old I am. My body
let me know it!! I can remember pulling my quad muscle
after one of the first games. Then, my muscles hurt so
bad after the first game as catcher. Ouch! However, I
had a great time playing with some pretty awesome people who cheered you on and encouraged you no matter what. That is how we are to be in the body of Christ. Help one another when they fall down. Rejoice with one another when they rejoice. God is good all the time. We were undefeated in the regular season and made it to the 2nd round in the tournament. We ended up losing our last game but it didn't matter. See the smiles on our faces after the last game? We know we played our very best and had a great time. God is good all the time and I am so thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ. There were two other teams from my church and not pictured here and some of the guys played on both teams.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

God is at Work

God is always at work. When Jesus was on earth, he said “I came to do the work of the Father”. That meant setting his face towards Jerusalem and going to the cross. Even though bad things happen, God is working. Our ways are not His ways. Romans 8 tells us that all things work together for good of those that love him. We cannot understand why bad things happened, but God knows. God is near and we will see and know perfectly one day.

When I was a teenager, I had two cousins of different families, but first cousins, who died two years apart both before they turned 18 and their first cousin who died prior to turning 24 a few years later. All died tragically and all lived within 1 mile of each other when they died. I lived within a mile of these precious families. You can imagine what that did to our small community, but we turned to the Lord. We know all things happen for a reason and return to the Father in praise, honor and glory. And, that is what we did. We turned to the Lord. Recently, a couple in our church lost their granddaughter unexpectedly and with no explanation of why. But, God knows. My heart breaks for people in the loss of a loved one and only the Holy Spirit – the great comforter can fully know or be able to respond completely to all that we are going through. Life is short. We are only here for a limited time. I have to ask myself the question – ‘how am I living my live to leave a legacy?” “How am I leaving a mark on humanity albeit one small act of love through the power of the Holy Spirit. Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. Blessed are the poor in spirit. When we realize our limitedness and frailty, we cry out for a Savior who comforts us by his nearness. John 14 gives us comfort. He has prepared a place for us. This is good news and brings us hope in our sorrow. Jesus message is hope. God is enough. When we cannot make sense of our pain and suffering, God is enough. He is our all-sufficient one. We are loved by God even when we are in the midst of the biggest trial or toughest situation. We are loved by God.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Romans 8. I am committing to learn it and I am going join the Romans 8 Movement. It is Katherine Wolf's favorite chapter in the Bible. Katherine is the daughter of Jay Wolf, pastor of First Baptist Church in Montgomery, AL. She recently has had brain damage and is making progress through God's healing hand and the prayers of the saints. I don't think I have ever learned a chapter in the Bible with the exception of Psalm 23. I don't know how long it will take me, but I will try. Katherine has inspired me. Pray for Katherine.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Loving God, Loving People to the Ends of the Earth

"Loving God, loving people to the ends of the earth." That is the mission and vision of our church. How do we do this? As we grow in our knowledge of Him and spend time with Him, He changes us through the Holy Spirit's power. Then, we are able to expand our love for Him (actually He expands our love for Him in our hearts) and that overflows to others - "we love Him because He first loved us".

I am reminded of Gary Chapman's book The Five Love Languages. They are touch, words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, and quality time. We practiced all 5 of these recently as we went down to Trenholm Court, a local low-income project community. On Saturday, a group of young adults in Montgomery, some from my church and some from other churches, went there together to play basketball, soccer, give out candy, clothes, pray with, encourage, and spend time with the youth there. Just think about the love languages mentioned. If we can practice these, especially with the children in our communities, neighborhoods, streets and in other countries everywhere we go to those who probably wouldn't otherwise receive love, we would show the love of God to others to the ends of the earth.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Alecia, the Pianist

I am so proud of my daughter. She is a fine musician.Her teacher called me last night and indicated that she did the best she’d ever done. She also won a couple of awards for being superior at the Music Federation Competition. She won honorable mention which only the top 75 out of 385 children have a chance to do. I am so proud of you Alecia!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Soccer Champ

My daughter starred in her first soccer game the other night. I am so proud of her. She has never played soccer before and fearlessly defended the goal as goalie in Tuesday night's game. She played for Team Italy and has already made new friends. I think they are going to have a great year. I am so proud of you Alecia!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Aronov Homes Lawnmower Giveaway

Aronov Homes recently held a lawnmower giveaway at the Home Expo. They are a client of ours and our account coordinator did a hilarious presentation! Check it out and vote for Jenny!!!

Caelan Cutting a Rug

Our church had a Thrift Store Formal Fundraiser for the youth recently and this video his hilarious of our Pastor's little boy who has been healed of cancer. He is dancing up a storm!

Friday, April 04, 2008

The Capitol

We took a trip a few weeks ago to our nation's capitol thanks to Delta. We stayed in Crystal City Virginia just across the river and near some pretty cool shoppes. The day we arrived we took in the new Indian Smithsonian Museum. We were exhausted after our travels after catching the metro for the first time and walking to find our way around the National Mall. On Tuesday, we took a Tour Bus and saw the Lincoln Memorial, the FDR Monument, the Arlington Cemetery and watched the changing of the guard. Wednesday was very eventful. I almost got arrested by the Secret Service on the steps of the Capitol. I took a picture with my cell phone and even though I was OUT of the House, they still yelled at me to put my phone up. Then, we toured the Capitol. After walking a long, long way to our congressman's office, we arrived and left our belongings in the office. We toured the rotunda, statuary hall and the senate. No sooner had we walked through the rotunda headed back to the House, than the security guard yells "everybody out." We evacuated the Capitol and were on the streets of Washington for about an hour with only $25 and a cell phone. We toured all the Smithsonians on Thursday. Our plane was delayed 2 hours on Friday so we were glad when we arrived safely at home. There's no place like home. ((clicks red shoes))

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Girl Who Looked in the Mirror

I like what has to say about falling in love. Not that we have to fall in love with ourselves; we fall in love with Jesus, our maker. However, He does call us to love others as we love ourselves. Check it out if you have 7 minutes:

Monday, January 28, 2008

I like Mike

I like Mike Huckabee and everything he stands for and pray for him to be the next President of the United States.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Keva's Treasure Hunt

Recently, we had a video scavenger hunt birthday party for my roommate Keva. There were three groups that went out. Here is one of them.
Watch the video!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


My prayer for 2008 is for God to show me more of His love. Oh that I would know how deep, how wide and how long is His love (eph. 3:18), and to love him more and to love others. What about you? What are your goals, prayers and hopes for this year?

Thursday, January 03, 2008


Thought for the day: We are One.

We are One with God because Christ lives in us through the Holy Spirit. I love what Jesus says in John 17 that He and the Father being One. It is empowering to know that He is living in me and through me and that as I live to the Spirit and not the flesh that we are One. His prayer is also that WE be One. How do we do that? How can we do that more this year? I dare think so much of myself to think that I can be caught up in the Trinity but there is perfect unity there. Oneness of purpose in Father, Son and Spirit. That same power lives in me and is mind-boggling. As Christians, God's desire is that we be One. What are some practical ways can we do that?

Saturday, December 29, 2007

2007 Year in Review

I have spent some time in bed recently following my tonsillectomy and have been thinking about the year in review. I have enjoyed a full year in my new house and God has blessed me richly with friends and family. Thanks to all who have helped take care of me during my recent surgery and helped take care of me and my family over the past year. God sets the lonely in families and He is faithful to provide everything we need.

Alecia completed 3rd grade with A's and B's in the spring and her first year of Awana TNT's. She had a successful Summer Swim League competition with the YMCA. Getting up to be at swim practice at 7:30 am three mornings a week was grueling but it paid off.

In April she was baptized after receiving Christ in November of last year (see previous post with photo) and I have seen her grow and mature as she learns to follow the ways of Christ. She has been such a blessing and it has been a blessing to see God work in her life.

We got to share in raising a dog for a short period of time. We shared Katie with some very good friends of ours. She recently found a new home better suited to her though.

Alecia completed her first year of piano with a recital and did very well. We got to spend a few days with my brother and his family at the beach and she enjoyed playing with her baby cousins.

She started fourth grade in the fall and has been doing well. We are blessed with a wonderful teacher this year.

We accompanied the youth on a trip this summer to Tennessee and had a wonderful time. I have been blessed to have so many friends help me with home repairs - painting, new ceiling fans, new lights in the kitchen and living room. We have grilled out, camped out and met many new friends from the military through our church. I received a new office with a window as we were acquired by a new company this year. I have seen the Lord bless my work and have received huge blessings from the people I work for and with. I have also seen three close friends get married this year. God is good!

I prayed that God would take me deeper into his word this year and he has shown me my true identity in Him. 1 Corinthians 1:30 says that it is because of God that I am in Christ and he is for me my righteousness, holiness and redemption. I also know that I am totally loved, accepted and forgiven in him. My prayer is that you will know this too. My prayer for 2008 is that he blesses us to be a blessings "glocally" - globally and locally. I also want to know the greatest commandment more fully that I may know His love, love him and love others more. What about you? How has God blessed you this past year? What are you praying for the new year?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Video of the Week

This is an amazing dance by a 4-year old.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Step Back In Time

I visited Fort Toulouse in Wetumpka, AL with my daughter's class on Friday. It a neat experience and a step back in time. They have a fort (duh!) and actors that portray what it was like to dress, dine, kill and conduct business during that time. When you drive up to the fort, you can smell campfires. Each station has people teaching about some aspect of the time period, whether it is music (bagpipes), weapons (man actually throwing a hatchet), dance (Indians dressed in mostly long shirts and chaps ~ and that's all!) or food (homemade butter). They had shops set up where you can buy leather goods or animal skin products. It was an eye-opening experience. Oh and did I mention that every 30 minutes, a canon sounded? I am so thankful that we live in a time where there is running water and electricity!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I visited my brother in New Orleans last weekend and had a great time dining at Landry's and watching the fish jump up out of Lake Pontchartrain. Fun times. We toured around the city on Saturday and saw a very sad part of town, the Ninth Ward. It still reminds me of a third world country. House after house was either gone, leaving only a foundation, or the frame was still their but the roof was caved in and all the belongings gone or washed away. Street signs washed away or stapled to a tree. Then, there were a few houses with people still living in them. I pray for those folks peaking out of their modest, very humble homes from the screen porch and I love them. Christ loves them and weeps over the city. We should too. Oh that we would see the healing waters of love and acceptance and grace and mercy flowing over the city - that the city would well up in revival. With God, all things are possible.

Dancing Shoes

It's hard to find a good pair of dancing shoes. I searched two weeks ago for the perfect pair and after 3 days of traveling from store to store on my lunch hour - determined I was going to find the right shoe or die trying - I walked right into a store and there they were. On my last attempt, I found the perfect shoe and my friend and I went dancing that very night.

Learning to dance is a lot like learning to relate to someone. I liken it to relating to God. He wants lead - but will I follow? He says stay close to me but will I wonder? He says pay attention to me but something else catches my eye. Someone should write a book about it. I sing "Where He leads me I will follow" but do I really mean it? As we get closer to someone and have experience knowing them, it is easier to get into a rhythm. Some don't even want to put on their dancing shoes for fear that they'll get their toes stepped on. Sometimes He does but only to make us more like Him and a better dancer!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I love how The Message interprets James 1:

James 1
1I, James, am a slave of God and the Master Jesus, writing to the twelve tribes scattered to Kingdom Come: Hello! Faith Under Pressure
2-4Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
5-8If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get his help, and won't be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.
9-11When down-and-outers get a break, cheer! And when the arrogant rich are brought down to size, cheer! Prosperity is as short-lived as a wildflower, so don't ever count on it. You know that as soon as the sun rises, pouring down its scorching heat, the flower withers. Its petals wilt and, before you know it, that beautiful face is a barren stem. Well, that's a picture of the "prosperous life." At the very moment everyone is looking on in admiration, it fades away to nothing.
12Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life

I must say, I have never thought of it as a sheer gift to endure trials. I can consider it joy mostly (although not happiness) but joy because I know my heavenly Father will work out all things for my good because I love Him. However, I have never thought of it as a sheer GIFT. I have heard that God whispers on the mountain top but he shouts in the valley and I have heard that it is in the valley where you grow, but I have not often thought of the valley as being a sheer gift. hmmm... "Don't try to get out of things prematurely" relates to "let patience have its perfect work" in the NIV. I don't know about you, but whenver I am going through a trial,
I try my best to figure out a way out of it. Perhaps, I am missing the point - God wants to speak to me, he wants me to grow by going through my trial. He will make me mature and complete through it. I love the part - "if you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help." It seems so simple the way he puts it as if it should be followed with "duh". However, so many times I forget.

A friend sent me a text message once that said "look up" at a fireworks show. I save it as a reminder that I need to look up to heaven often and pray and ask God for wisdom. How about you? How does this passage from The Message speak to you?

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Today, I will make decisions. According to The Biggest Loser, approximately 500 food decisions. What will I eat? How much should I eat? When should I eat? Today, I will not eat the chocolate mousse pie that our IT director made. Partly, because I ate 2 pieces yesterday and partly because it is now all gone. Today, I will choose. And, I declare: I will choose wisely! Will you? What helps you make wise decisions about food? Monday and Tuesday, my roommate and I walked 30 minutes. Sunday, I walked with a friend 45 minutes. Today, I will walk again! I will make a life decision to be healthy and take care of my body - the temple of the Holy Spirit. I truly want to know - WHAT helps you! How are you making life changes? Wise food decisions?

Friday, September 07, 2007

All Night-er

I am currently at work with some awesome people working an all night-er for charity. For the past 4 years, we have participated in CreateAthon, a 24-hour event where we develop createve materials, web sites, etc. for non-profits. Tomorrow, I will be loopy and have a very emotional review of all the work we have done for some wonderful agencies that are helping so many people with little or no resouces. You can read more about it at

More when I have had more sleep....

Friday, August 10, 2007


Recently, I have read on three different occasions and different sources that God never changes. I think He might be trying to reveal something to me. You think?

Webster defines Constant as
1.not changing or varying; uniform; regular; invariable: All conditions during the three experiments were constant.
2.continuing without pause or letup; unceasing: constant noise.
3.regularly recurrent; continual; persistent: He found it impossible to work with constant interruption.
4.faithful; unswerving in love, devotion, etc.: a constant lover.
5.steadfast; firm in mind or purpose; resolute.
6.Obsolete. certain; confident.
7.something that does not or cannot change or vary.
8.Physics. a number expressing a property, quantity, or relation that remains unchanged under specified conditions.
9.Mathematics. a quantity assumed to be unchanged throughout a given discussion.

This description helps so much when you think about the nature of God. Notice that I did not say character. A pastor recently told me that character is indicative of the nature of a person changing - in the case of the Christian becoming more Christ-like. In relation to God - he never changes, so in the word, we study about his nature. Isn't that cool? Comforting to know? Isn't is wonderful to know a person who never changes??!!! I have several acquaintances whom I talk/work with regularly who have differences in their personality and I never know who I am going to get. It's frustrating. But, with God, there is safety in the relationship because he is always the same. There is a paradox there; however, because God is multi-faceted and no human will be able to fully know Him. But, we CAN know him. Have I confused you yet? When I was alone expecting a baby (and numerous other times in my life), I found God to be a constant rock in my life in whom I could trust and depend on. I am intrigued by the above description and will most likely write more about how it relates to the nature of God. How have you found God to be constant in your life? Faithful?

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


My mom, Alecia and I visited Boston yesterday. We toured the Freedom trail and visited the home of Paul Revere and the Old North Church.

I am currently in a training class on a computer software and will blog more later with my own photos, but we had a great time

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Matthew 5:8 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." -Jesus, circa 30 A.D.

Pure is defined as

- free from anything of a different, inferior, or contaminating kind; free from extraneous matter: pure gold; pure water.

- free from foreign or inappropriate elements

- clear; free from blemishes: pure skin.
clean, spotless, or unsullied: pure hands.
untainted with evil; innocent: pure in heart.

I've struggled with what Jesus meant many times but this definition helped to "clear" some things up. I wrestled with the question, "am I pure by nature or is it something for which I continually strive?" I think it is both. Afterall, Jesus did say in John 13, that we are already clean. We are clean and spotless by nature. But, how often do we go through the day and attract foreign or inappropriate elements?

In Titus 1:15, Paul says "to the pure, all things are pure". In 1 John 3:3, John says that if we hope in Jesus, "we are pure just as he is pure". So, that's it - we're pure, we don't have to worry about anything else. Right?

I don't think so. We are in the world and not of the world. In the world, we contract what is different and impure all the time. In 1 Timothy 5:22, Paul instructs us to keep ourselves pure. In Titus 2, Paul instructs older women to teach younger women to be pure. In Philippians 2, Paul instructs us to live a live without complaining or arguing so that we can become pure. There's the promise! It is something you receive as you live a holy lifestyle and are sanctified by the Holy Spirit. If it was easy to live in this world and not contract impurities, there would be no instruction needed. And, that is what we continue to strive for -- to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. To run in such a way to win the prize. To stay close to the vine to receive what we need for without him, we can do nothing. Thoughts? What helps you in your efforts to stay pure?

Oh, that we may be pure in heart in order to see God.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. (Eph. 1:7-8)

Why should we ever complain? If we realize what we have in Christ - the forgiveness of sins, righteousness, redemption, and the riches of his grace that he lavished on us, we should always be joyful.

When I think of being "lavished", I think of the lost son who squandered his money on wild living. That is the Prodigal Son, but then he came to his senses and determined to go back to his father. He confessed and repented. But, then we read of the Prodigal Father-

But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate. (Luke 15:11-31)

The Prodigal Father (Our Heavenly Father) gives generously, "lavishly" and recklessly without thought, he gives us all the riches at his disposal because we are of great worth to him. We mean that much to him. It was said once that the greatest love requires the greatest price and our Father gave the one thing (or person) that meant the most - his son. May we see the precious riches of his grace that he lavishes on us!